Guide to smart contracts on ParaState

Serkan Arabacı
3 min readMay 3, 2021

This tutorial will act as a guide for a step-by-step process to understand and use Buidl online IDE, as an easiest way to interact with the ParaState Network.

there are some prequisites before beginning,

First, you will need metamask wallet to to make any transactions in Parastate test network that you will use while following the tutorial.

Second, we need to add Parastate testnet to Metamask as Custom RPC. You can find the detailed guideline here

Network Name: ParaState
Chain ID: 123
Currency Symbol (Optional): STATE

After that, we will be using STATE token on the Parastate test network as an example. To remember, this is a TEST token. To get some test tokens on Parastate Network, you can access this Faucet via:

After we fund the account, we can begin to create smart contract.

To Create Smart Contracts on Parastate Network;

As you have probably seen, we are using an Ethereum address and wallet to interact with,We will also be using BUIDL Online IDE, which is a software developed by Parastate team to create smart contract with Solidity.

For this tutorial, we will create a simple marketplace contract that expresses a workflow for a simple transaction between an owner and a buyer in a marketplace

This image is the initial interface of the BUIDL.

First of all, we need to import our wallet address funded with test tokens to Account section as seen below;

Then, we can write the code for our smart contract on Contract Tab.

After writing the code, we compile it so that we ensure there are no errors on coding. We can check this status on PROBLEMS section as seen below;

Make sure that this section is empty

Since coding is successful, now we can deploy it by clicking Deploy the the chain.

After deployment, Logs section will show initial transaction as success;

After compiling, and deploying, we can check the smart contract functions on Deployed Tab

You can click the functions like State, AskingPrice, OfferPrice as seen on example below and check transaction status on Log section;

These transaction results mean that your smart contract was succesfully deployed.


Useful links:







